The health and safety of everyone is of the utmost importance and it is for this reason that certain precautions must be taken to limit as much as possible the risk of injury or infection.
All participants will be asked to fill out a Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q) and sign an Informed Consent form.
The PAR-Q is to ascertain the health and fitness of the participant and their suitability to the planned activity/ programme.
The Informed Consent form is an agreement signed by the participant to say that all benefits and possible risks are accepted and understood.
All equipment and mats which are handled by class participants, Personal Training and Structured Training clients are cleaned with anti-bacterial and anti-viral cleaning products by me prior to the session commencing. When the session is at an end I will then once again clean the equipment and the mats.
To avoid the risk of overcrowding, class numbers have to be limited to allow each participant adequate space to exercise safely. If you book online you guarantee your space.
If you are feeling at all unwell could I respectfully ask that you do not attend the session and that you make contact to say that you are unable to attend.
To keep hydrated throughout the class please bring a water bottle. You may take a drink at any time during the class and there will also be scheduled water breaks.
Could all class participants, Personal Training and Structured Training clients please ensure that they are wearing appropriate footwear at all times (trainers or running shoes) and at no time go with bare feet.
Please ensure that you wear appropriate fitness clothing to the session that will allow you to move freely without any restriction.
To avoid breakage or injury, the wearing of jewellery and watches is not advisable.
I will be monitoring health and safety throughout the session: this will include your form and technique, and I may at times intervene if you are performing an exercise incorrectly or in a way that could lead to an injury.
All fitness equipment will be sanitised with anti-bacterial and anti-viral spray before and after use, and all surfaces will be sprayed down.
All doors and windows will be open to provide maximum ventilation throughout the session.
Please bring your own water. You are also welcome to bring your own mats to the classes if you wish to do so.
Please do not attend training if you are feeling unwell or showing any signs of Covid-19 or if anyone in your household is showing any signs of Covid-19.
Please contact me immediately if at any time between training sessions you test positive for Covid-19.
I have completed a risk assessment for each scheduled activity,and have carried out a COSHH assessment for all cleaning and sanitising products, I have an up to date first aid certificate, I carry a first aid kit to all classes and fitness sessions and I have training in the use of a defibrillator.
Thank you for your support.